How to Create Abundance in your Life

Abundance is everyone’s divine right; however, as you travel around the world, the definition of it may vary from one person to another. Today, I’m going to share some tips on how to create abundance in your life fast.

1)    Get a sheet of paper and define what abundance means to you.

a.     Is it money? Is it jewelry? Is it the designer things? Is it paying off your credit card? Think about it then write. Write freely with no judgement.

2)    Take ten mins to picture yourself as abundant as you can ever imagine yourself to be and a lot more. How does it feel? Uncomfortable? Exciting?

a.     If it feels uncomfortable, ask yourself what is stopping you? A memory from your childhood? Some old programming? It’s not for its for them? I can never make it? I’m not good enough. Take a deep breath. It’s ok to feel like this. Even I stumble all the time. What should you do? These are called blockages. The tip is to not be hard on yourself.

3)    Check out your closet. What’s old? What’s torn? What haven’t you worn because you haven’t fit in it in ages? Get rid of all of that. You have to invite abundance by getting rid of the worn. When we keep the worn, we stay stuck in a conflicted energy of lack. Please make sure to look at your bras and underwear.

4)    Check out your makeup and skin care. How are you treating this? Is it organized? Is it clean? Is your foundation all over the place? Is your skin care from two years ago but you feel bad so you hold on to it? Let go of it. Are your makeup brushes washed? Remember if we want to bring abundance then it starts from skin care and makeup as well. Furthermore, what brands are you buying? I’m not telling you to get YSL but just get something that will make you feel special and abundance. When we harness that energy, we invite more of it.

5)    Look around your rooms. Does it need a paint job? Is some furniture worn out? You can buy budget furniture from Overstock that is beautiful. In Hinduism, your home is your temple. It has to be a sacred place for you to invite abundance and beautiful memories.

6)    Your closet and drawers, are they organized? How organized? Are your clothes folded decently? Or do you just throw them in your closet? What kind of hangers are you using?

7)    Is your bed comfortable? Are you sleeping on the floor? Are you on your dream bed? No? Then make one. On a budget. Check out Amazon and Marshalls.

8)    Are you in gratitude for what you have? Yes or no? Begin gratitude today.

9)    Are you cleaning your house/apartment everyday? Remember the home is a temple and you are the God living in it. How can we invite abundance if it’s not clean?

10) Are you using your favorite cleaning detergents? Cleaning products?

11) Is your purse organized? Does it have messy things in it? How will you invite wealth into your life then?

12) How do you treat others who have abundance? Do you feel jealous and speak ill of them? Are you envious? Are you trying to bring them down emotionally and mentally? How will you attract true abundance? You have to feel grateful for what you have and happy for those who may be more fortunate than you. The more you bless them with a grateful joyful heart, the more abundance comes into your life.

13) How do you treat your salary? Do you look at it in gratitude? Do tears run down your eyes that universe is gifting you? Do you say thank you? Or do you say “I don’t have enough money. My coworker makes more money. This is dumb.” The heart of the universe breaks my dear. Try to become aware of your energies this is how you create more abundance, through gratitude.