How to Create Abundance in your Life

Abundance is everyone’s divine right; however, as you travel around the world, the definition of it may vary from one person to another. Today, I’m going to share some tips on how to create abundance in your life fast.

1)    Get a sheet of paper and define what abundance means to you.

a.     Is it money? Is it jewelry? Is it the designer things? Is it paying off your credit card? Think about it then write. Write freely with no judgement.

2)    Take ten mins to picture yourself as abundant as you can ever imagine yourself to be and a lot more. How does it feel? Uncomfortable? Exciting?

a.     If it feels uncomfortable, ask yourself what is stopping you? A memory from your childhood? Some old programming? It’s not for its for them? I can never make it? I’m not good enough. Take a deep breath. It’s ok to feel like this. Even I stumble all the time. What should you do? These are called blockages. The tip is to not be hard on yourself.

3)    Check out your closet. What’s old? What’s torn? What haven’t you worn because you haven’t fit in it in ages? Get rid of all of that. You have to invite abundance by getting rid of the worn. When we keep the worn, we stay stuck in a conflicted energy of lack. Please make sure to look at your bras and underwear.

4)    Check out your makeup and skin care. How are you treating this? Is it organized? Is it clean? Is your foundation all over the place? Is your skin care from two years ago but you feel bad so you hold on to it? Let go of it. Are your makeup brushes washed? Remember if we want to bring abundance then it starts from skin care and makeup as well. Furthermore, what brands are you buying? I’m not telling you to get YSL but just get something that will make you feel special and abundance. When we harness that energy, we invite more of it.

5)    Look around your rooms. Does it need a paint job? Is some furniture worn out? You can buy budget furniture from Overstock that is beautiful. In Hinduism, your home is your temple. It has to be a sacred place for you to invite abundance and beautiful memories.

6)    Your closet and drawers, are they organized? How organized? Are your clothes folded decently? Or do you just throw them in your closet? What kind of hangers are you using?

7)    Is your bed comfortable? Are you sleeping on the floor? Are you on your dream bed? No? Then make one. On a budget. Check out Amazon and Marshalls.

8)    Are you in gratitude for what you have? Yes or no? Begin gratitude today.

9)    Are you cleaning your house/apartment everyday? Remember the home is a temple and you are the God living in it. How can we invite abundance if it’s not clean?

10) Are you using your favorite cleaning detergents? Cleaning products?

11) Is your purse organized? Does it have messy things in it? How will you invite wealth into your life then?

12) How do you treat others who have abundance? Do you feel jealous and speak ill of them? Are you envious? Are you trying to bring them down emotionally and mentally? How will you attract true abundance? You have to feel grateful for what you have and happy for those who may be more fortunate than you. The more you bless them with a grateful joyful heart, the more abundance comes into your life.

13) How do you treat your salary? Do you look at it in gratitude? Do tears run down your eyes that universe is gifting you? Do you say thank you? Or do you say “I don’t have enough money. My coworker makes more money. This is dumb.” The heart of the universe breaks my dear. Try to become aware of your energies this is how you create more abundance, through gratitude.

Miraculous Life

The human body is born with precise perfection and every perceived imperfection is nothing but an illusion. The first breath of an infant is nothing short but a miracle and a perfect symmetrical action. Breathing is often taken for granted, but it constitutes of all of nature’s life. Everything requires prana and without it, there lacks existence.  

To live is to die and the cycle of life requires steady upward progression. The human body is a fit vehicle to transport the soul through the trials of karma and evolution of the psyche. The purpose of the soul is to seek rapid development on the physical plane, which prepares it for the next ascension. Ascending a soul from an animal psyche to a human psyche takes centuries to occur and requires consistent progress to create light. It is through light can a soul attain harmony, and it is through soul evolution can life be created.

The notion that life is miraculous is nothing short of a gift from the Divine light in which we are to take on steady strides to evolve spiritually. Challenges occur to push the soul out of his or her comfort zone, and a downfall is a way to redirect energy on a much higher frequency path. As the soul takes a deep breath and is faced with all the challenging twists, trust is necessary to grow from a dormant state to a wakeful moment. But, how do you trust?

Vulnerability teaches you to trust, because it is through weakness that we can believe that we are protected from harm. When the ego’s defenses are down, soul is in its raw form, the most vulnerable it can be. This is when faith in the divine is required to free the soul from the hardships of the physical realm. It is through vulnerability can a miracle occur to solve challenges.  

Five Ways to Become More Creative


Your soul is asking you to create absolutely anything you can. However, pessimism and perfectionism slow your growth as a being, halt your progress in your work and obliterate your self-esteem. No stress my friend, there is always a way to overcome these hurdles. Your soul is craving for true authentic work that stems from your intuition.


Listen to Your Inner-voice

This starts off as a soft whisper, a hint or an image in your mind. It shares with you a glimpse of how the future could be or an ideal image of the work you could produce. Everything is tentative in the mind and often, we hear specific words of what we want to do. Take notes on how your mind is functioning and what is coming through. This is related to channeling ideas from your core, your soul.

Collect Ideas

Find work that inspires you to create more work. I find solace in poetry, writings on consciousness, graphic design (fonts) and illustrations. Many individuals make physical inspiration boards or folders on their desktops. I find myself preparing for the future when I’m looking for ideas to work with. This is similar to doing research, which requires creativity as well. You can spark the flame of inspiration when you’re collecting ideas.

Imagine your Future

Imagination is everything, and it is through imagination you can fuel your creativity. When you love what you are imagining, your heart feels content to try. Don’t fear your imagination. It’s there to give you hope in the future. Imagination is the key that unlocks infinite possibilities and realities. 

Write Down on Paper What You Want from Life

Some times, we need to brainstorm our ideas on paper, which is part of the creative process. When you put your ideas on paper, you are giving them power to manifest in your reality. You are confirming that you are certain of this idea. Your soul loves this and it gives you immense power, confidence and courage to put your best foot forward.

Keep Trying

A botanical illustrator doesn’t illustrate the anatomy of a flower perfectly in one sitting. It takes several months and years to achieve a level of mastery. This example is to indicate that trying gets you much further than wishing it was possible. Allow yourself to try out your ideas for some time. Be patient with yourself and don’t compare your growth to someone else’s. Everyone has a different karma and purpose to endure. The circumstances that someone else flourished in are always going to be different from yours.

Happiness is a Choice

We spend so much time looking at our mistakes and regrets as terrible failures. What would happen if we took the time to switch our perspective on life? In this world, nothing is a waste of time. Experiences that are painful to deal with are merely lessons for you to take and grow from. You either learn the lesson and choose a better path/option when a similar situation comes up, or you can keep repeating the same mistakes until you learn from them and had enough of the situation.

The only reason that we have the tendency to repeat our mistakes is because the other path is uncomfortable. Why is it so? It’s because change is actually uncomfortable, since your mind and body aren’t used to this new direction. Many times, you head back into the direction that isn’t alien to you, and you realize (hopefully you do) how unhappy you are. Oops, three months later (maybe even a year), your world tumbles after you make that realization.

Please congratulate yourself on coming to a realization, because so many people look for excuses to stay in the same comfortably, unhappy situation.

Examples of some excuses are:

  • I’ll stress my loved ones if I make this decision.

  • I’ll never be able to find a better situation than this.

  • Maybe, this is what I deserve.

  • Oh, this happened in the past, it might repeat itself again.

  • Who am I to be happy?

Well, isn’t it a bit strange that we fear being in joy?

Once you’ve had a wakeup call about your state, it’s up to you to change your path. This is why we have freewill. Nothing is going to change or improve until we exert our freewill and make the decision to be happy. After all, happiness is a choice. 

Year Nine

In numerology, each year carries the vibration of a specific number, ranging from one to nine. This means that one cycle consist of nine years, and towards the end of a cycle, we enter a new period. For the year of 2016, when you add up the numbers (2+1+6), you get the vibration of nine. Therefore, whatever happened this year, consisted of finalizing the old chapter, and getting a new chapter ready for the year of 2017. If you felt apprehensive and/or noticed that things were shifting drastically, then you know why.

For many individuals, the shift happened at the very beginning of the year, and for others, the shift will be happening (very drastically) during November and December. Some people may have had their chapter's ending in the beginning of the year, and spent the rest of the year preparing for a new beginning. When I state shift, I mean major life event occurrences such as marriage, new business opportunities/growth, ending of old relationships/divorce, conclusion of a large project, moving to a new country or city, beginning a long-term relationship/marriage, finding a new employment place, moving to a new house/apartment, and etc...

The year nine will make you tie up loose ends and close the door to the past completely. It has been heavy transformational year for many which may have caused us to question our old belief systems and re-visit the past. All the memories that you've been shoving under the table come forth for healing, and all the achievements (small or large) that you've had want your recognition. There may have been times where you were dealing with the past, present, and future all at once (think in one day or week). You might have learnt some important, painful lessons as well, because the vibration of nine is making sure that you won't repeat your mistakes in the next cycle. You may have realized or received the courage to achieve some big dreams in the next cycle. 

Spiritually speaking, nine is also an awakening of consciousness and realization of your true purpose. All the light workers and humanitarians are being called to take action in the new cycle, and any remnants of karma and ego are being cleared off completely. After these two months, we will be entering the vibration of one with all the wisdom that we acquired along with a fresh perspective on life. Move through November and December gracefully and know that all the pieces are being put together for you. In other words, think of it as the season finale of your show. Don't be disheartened, because the upcoming season is going to be much more epic than the last one.